
Learn Urdu

It is sometimes a hard decision to decide which language to learn. Why not choose Urdu? For business, pleasure or just to get a fresh perspective from different corners of our world. It is considered as one of the most polite languages of the world.

Urdu is written in the Persian-Arabic script. If you can read and write Urdu, you will automatically learn to read and write two other languages — Persian and Arabic — and you may also understand some words from them too. This melodious language will make you adopt a “zen attitude,” thus building social relationships.

Why Learn at Pomegranate?

The teaching offered at our institute is delivered by a team of highly experienced teachers. Their teaching methods are interactive and interesting, making it easy to understand. They converse with the students in a polite and courteous manner, establishing a comfortable environment suitable for learning.

This course is designed to give a basic knowledge of Urdu with little or no prior experience with the language. Learning Urdu can provide you with a lucrative career and expand your social network.

Types of Urdu Language Courses

Basic Course Information

Basic courses in Urdu help you communicate with others and understand the language better.

Independent Course Information

On completion of the independent level course you will be able converse confidently on various topics.

Proficient Course Information

By the end of the proficient level, you will understand Urdu completely and be able to express yourself in the language.

Students' Testimonials

I chose Urdu to challenge myself and guess what? I’m getting fluent and it helps me a lot on my business trips to Pakistan
When you’re a project manager, sometimes there is a language barrier with your colleagues. What you do? The solution is to learn their language! That’s what I did and now our team is closer than ever. Thank you, Pomegranate, for your endlessness efforts in getting me there

How to Register for Urdu Courses

Fill in the registration form

Complete the online placement test

Visit us at the institute to do the speaking test

Pay for your course (Online payment available. Please ask reception if interested)

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