Four Important Tips for Stress Management

Stress in so many cases can be unavoidable but it can be managed. It is possible to learn how to effectively manage stress and lead a healthier and happier life. We should be aware of one thing; it is advisable to accept that there are some situations or event that we can’t control. Here are four important tips for stress management.

  • AVOID CERTAIN INTAKES SUCH AS NICOTINE, ALCOHOL AND CAFFEINE: It is highly advisable to avoid the consumption of caffeine, Nicotine and alcohol, based on the fact that they are stimulants as such, they would increase the level of your stress. When alcohol specifically is taken in large quantity, it acts as a depressant but when taken in small quantity, it works as a stimulant. Thus, It’s best to stay away. Instead of Alcohol and caffeine intake, you can consider drinking water, or diluted natural fruit juice. In a nutshell, be sure to eat a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet.
  • CARRY OUT PHYSICAL EXERCISE: Following the biological component or constituent of the body, under stressful circumstances, the body tends to increase the secretion of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Although the secretion is normal since they carry out the “fight or flight” function in cases of dangers but when it is stress related, having physical exercise helps to metabolize the excessive stress hormones and it restores your body back to a calmer state. Whenever you feel stress, just take a walk or incorporate some light exercise in your daily routine.
  • SLEEP MORE: An average adult is meant to get at least a 7-9 hours’ sleep. In order to successfully manage your stress, be sure to get more than 9 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep is a remote factor to stress. Make sure your room is peaceful enough to prevent you from thinking things that will eventually cause stress.
  • TALK TO SOMEONE: This technique works effectively for everyone or anyone going through stress. You embodying thoughts in your mind without talking to someone keeps intensifying the stress. Sometimes talking to someone actually helps either by taking your mind off the thoughts giving you stress or by releasing some accumulated tension in our minds.

It should be noted that these tips work in stress situations but peradventure stress symptoms still persist, it is highly recommended that such individual seek treatment from a mental health specialist trained in stress management.