How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Interview

In interviews, your main goal is to convince your interviewer as regards why they should employ you. Many unemployed individuals still remained unemployed due to their inability to meet certain criteria or perhaps their failure to prepare ahead. This piece is targeted towards guiding you about the do’s and don’ts while preparing and during an interview.

Preparing for an interview

  1. MAKE YOUR RESEARCH ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: The mistake many interviewees make is going into an interview room blank without having an idea of what the organization entails, their past and their presents and unfortunately come out of the interview room with bowed heads. Knowing a number of this about the intended organization will make you stand out from other candidates that are less-prepared. For proper understanding and research, use the web (could be the organization’s official website, or career search) to seek out the background and other related info about the intended organization.
  2. INTROSPECT: Carefully look at the requirement of the job and compare with your skills and qualification. And ask yourself, do you fit in? Convince yourself as regards why you fit in for the job. This will accumulate the confidence you need to face your interviewer and converse with utmost conviction.
  3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND PREPARE RESPONSES: Most interview questions are drawn from your resume, and other questions are behavioural and case questions. Questions such as “introduce yourself”, “what makes you qualify for the job”, “job ethics” et cetera are all likely questions. Preparing responses ahead of these questions enables you to converse with conviction.
  4. PREPARE WHAT TO WEAR: It is required that you dress neutral and formal, most preferably a neutral coloured suit neatly straightened and smart. Your shoes must look as professional as they can be. It is imperative to dress to impress your employer or interviewer.
  5. PREPARE YOUR DOCUMENTS: While preparing for your interview, be sure to take along with you extra copies of your resume with quality paper, take along a binder and pen (makes you look professional), and also a portfolio with samples of your previous work (if any). If there are none, no worries, be sure your curriculum vitae are well convincing.

Things to avoid while preparing and during your interview

  1. UNPUNCTUALITY: The saying, punctuality is the soul of business not only goes for employers nor sole proprietors but for every individual in the business world or intend to get into the business world. As an intended employee, you are expected to arrive at the venue for the interview minutes before the commencement of the interview. Don’t be late.
  2. UNSTRUCTURED RESPONSES: While giving responses to questions asked such as “give your work experience” or “paint a problematic scenario and provide a solution”. While responding, be firm and convincing. And also be sure to follow the STAR mechanism while responding to such questions: S- situation, T- task, A- action and R-response.

Amidst other don’ts; don’t be arrogant (it’s ok to be confident), and don’t criticize your previous employers.